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Specific Educational Needs or Disability (SEN/D)


We aim to provide special needs provision through a whole school approach. Our ethos is one of collaboration and inclusion between the child, the parents, teachers, support staff, senior management and outside agencies. All are welcome in our school.

Through a flexible approach to learning, valuing all the child’s achievements, whilst allowing for individual differences, we aim to develop children’s strengths, address their needs and make school an enjoyable, happy and productive time for each child.

Our overall aim is to help all children to reach their full potential in a caring and co-operative atmosphere where each child feels respected and valued.

At St Patrick’s Catholic Primary School, we strive to ensure that all children have a broad and balanced curriculum, which is differentiated to enable children to:

· understand the relevance and purpose of learning

· experience levels of understanding and rates of progress which bring success and raise self esteem

· develop children’s independence and life skills

· provide a secure, accessible and safe environment, where children can flourish and grow

· have equal access to resources, provision and intervention

Through our high-quality planning, teaching and provision we:

Pride ourselves on early identification and intervention for SEND to ensure that progress and opportunities are maximised.

Regularly monitor the progress of children with SEND.

Provide good quality and relevant training for all staff members supporting children with SEND.

Work in partnership with parents and carers.

Work closely with external agencies and other professionals to support and develop our provision for children with SEND.



Teaching SEND pupils is a whole-school responsibility. All teachers are involved in a continuous cycle of planning, teaching and assessing, taking into account the differences in pupils’ abilities, aptitudes and interests. Some pupils may need increased levels of provision and support.

We endeavour to include all pupils with SEND in all school activities, making reasonable adjustments when needed. SEND pupils are included in the school’s growth mind-set ethos and encouraged to work independently and make progress at their level.

We aim to identify the needs of pupils with SEND at an early stage and follow a graduated response to their level of need. We follow a cycle of assess, plan, do, review, making necessary adjustments to the curriculum to meet the needs of all pupils.

Children that could benefit from a specific targeted intervention programme, are identified and programmes of work delivered accordingly. Working independently and working towards independence is central to the support we offer pupils with SEND. Our Teaching Assistants offer a scaffolding approach.

Teachers systematically check learners’ understanding, identifying misconceptions and providing feedback to pupils, which in turn informs future planning and teaching of all pupils with SEND.

The academic and social progress of children with SEND is reviewed regularly through teacher assessments, SEN Support target reviews (3 times a year), pupil progress meetings (3 times a year), annual reviews for children with EHCPs and regular inclusion meetings.

The SENDCO monitors SEND provision through pupil interviews, lesson observations, book scrutinies, monitoring of targets and provision maps, inclusion meetings and data analysis to ensure that progress is made over the year by individuals and groups of pupils with SEND.

We ensure teachers have the knowledge and expertise to support and teach children with SEND. We provide access to staff training in, for example, ASD, dyslexia and attachment disorder.

As a school we value the involvement of parent/carers and inform them of any concerns/needs of their children and our actions to meet their needs. This includes listening to the concerns of parents and signposting them to outside support and information as needed.

When a pupil’s needs require further assessment from outside specialists we refer pupils to outside professionals e.g educational psychologists, speech and language therapist, specialist SEN service, behaviour support service. The suggestions and advice from these assessments is then implemented by the class teacher and Teaching assistant, overseen by the SENDCo. Parents are involved in this process.

We may also apply for a statutory assessment, with the involvement of parents and outside professionals, leading to an Education Health and Care Plan being put in place.



The children feel happy, safe and respected.

Children demonstrate high levels of engagement in activities, developing their speaking, listening and social skills.

Children with SEND make good progress from their starting points due to inclusive quality first teaching, the use of resources and small group intervention which meets the needs of the pupils.

Provision is adjusted according to the assessments and observations made to ensure children with SEND continue to make progress and reach their potential.

Early Years show progress using the Differentiated Early Years Curriculum objectives.

The SENDCo, as part of the senior leadership team, monitors provision to ensure that progress is made over the year by individuals and groups of pupils with SEND.

Children with SEND develop skills and knowledge across the curriculum, independence and life skills to prepare them for the next stage of their education.
