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Our virtual WOW board laugh


Thank you so much for sharing your pictures with your friends and me, it makes me feel very proud to be your teacher! 

Photos for week 1, 2 and 3 were accidentally deleted along with all the comments so you will now find them at the bottom with star symbols. If you would like to send in photos, please send them to, FAO Miss Jones.

Week 7

Week 6

Joshua's happiness box ⭐

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Jacob's science experiment ⭐

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Term 6 - Week 5

Aidan made yummy Banana Bread this week ⭐

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Term 6 - Week 4

Term 6 - Week 3

Term 6 - Week 2

Rosie is growing in confidence ⭐ she loves riding down hills.

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Term 6 - Week 1

WOW Ella!! - What a fantastic project all about Egypt!


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Henry, you are a nature explorer! Well done.


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Wow - So wonderful to see Henry practising his phonics.


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Wow - Rafferty can ride his bike!

Week 5

Week 4

Week 1, 2 and 3 (the captions are missing because all the photos were accidentally deleted so I have had to upload them again) apologises!

Thomas can now ride his bike - well done ⭐️

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Ava can now ride her bike - well done ⭐️

Still image for this video