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Mission & Values

'To Live, Love and Learn Like Jesus'
(Children's interpretation of our mission statement) 
Our mission in Saint Patrick’s is to develop each child’s talents and potential in a caring Catholic community inspired by the teachings of Jesus Christ.

The Mission statement is central to everything that we do at Saint Patrick's Catholic Primary.  It is our starting point for creating policy and procedure, as well as informing whole school strategy and Curriculum planning.

At Saint Patrick’s it is important that we care for, listen and respond to the views of all of our community; parents, children, staff, parishioners.

In July 2023 we invited all of these people to join us and revisit our mission statement, to celebrate all we do. We then asked the Chaplaincy Team for their thoughts and opinions too. Finally, our governors shared their ideas.


This means that together we have created a new way of looking at our Mission Statement to show how special all at Saint Patrick’s are.


We have decided to keep ‘Live, Love and Learn Like Jesus’ as we believe this is a true reflection of life at our school and what we want to achieve.


We have however, added further detail to make it really clear what our mission is:
