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KS2 Phonics and Reading Resources

Reading in KS2 


 Reading is a key part of the curriculum at Saint Patrick's Primary school and we recognise how important it is for home and school to work as a partnership to secure the best outcomes for all pupils! It is important that children are regularly heard read at home. Please see below for some great links to support reading at home. 

We aim to enable pupils to read easily, fluently and with understanding. Our pupils are encouraged to develop the habit of reading widely and often both for pleasure and to find information. We achieve this as follows:

  • ‘Letters and Sounds’ resources continue to be available for children who need ongoing support to develop their phonics skills in KS2.
  • Children at the beginning of their reading journey use decodable reading books that are matched to their current phonic knowledge.
  • As children become efficient decoders of text, they progress through our varied, banded reading scheme and further reading skills such as prediction, comprehension and inference are explicitly taught.
  • Our pupils have frequent opportunities to develop their reading skills through the use of high quality whole class texts as well as daily opportunities to hear stories read aloud to them.
  • Children are encouraged to read a wide range of genres including poetry. 