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Registration & Absences


The register is taken daily at 8.55am and closed at 9am.  After the register is taken, if a child arrives after 9am, they will be marked in the register as Late


After 9.15am, if we have not received a phone call or message, the child will be marked as Unauthorised for the morning session.  (Please note that pupil attendance is recorded by morning and afternoon sessions NOT days.)  Exceptions to this practice will be if we have been informed of a medical appointment, music exam or any other authorised absence in advance. 


In another attempt to ensure all children in our care are safe and accounted for, we will contact parents of children whose absence is unexplained on the morning of their absence.  We would appreciate your support in helping us with this routine.


When your child is away from school due to illness, please use the telephone messaging service that is specifically for this purpose on the main phone number. A phone call must be made each day your child is absent from school, and a reason for the absence ie: tonsilitis must be given. Unfortuantly if a reason is not given your child will be marked as unauthourised.  
