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Online Safety

Social Media Age Restrictions: Are YOU in the know?

Online Safety at St Patrick's


Do you know how to keep your children safe? Do your children know how to keep safe? At St Patrick's we are committed to discussing these serious issues as part of our e-safety curriculum. This includes capturing their online habits in our E-Safety questionnaire to determine our priorities, embedding E-Safety elements throughout our Computing curriculum (Switched On Computing), as well as teaching explicit elements of E-Safety in termly Key Stage assemblies with follow-up lessons. We also have links with the local Police force who come in to do talks with Key Stage Two about social media and online presence.


We recognise our role as educators to provide and strong, relevant and up-to-date E-Safety teaching to help keep our children safe. However, we can only be completely successful in this ongoing and ever-changing world of technologies if we all work together: pupils, parents and teachers.


Why is Online Safety important?


Children today have embraced new technologies as a source of information, education and entertainment.  The use of digital technology has been completely normalised by this generation, and it is now fully integrated into their daily lives. Technology is changing all the time and young people are no longer passive recipients of online information, but are increasingly interacting directly within a digital landscape in a variety of ways. 

Children are increasingly referred to as ‘digital natives’: citizens born into a digital world, who grow up surrounded by and emerged in the technology and tools of the digital age. Their confidence and skills in using this technology is typically high, but their knowledge and awareness of the inherent issues, risks and dangers is usually very low. 

Children and young people need to be empowered to keep themselves safe – this isn’t just a top down approach. Children will be children – pushing boundaries and taking risks. Teaching your child about technology should be seen as another part of keeping them safe, just like crossing the road or learning to swim.


What can parents do?


On this page you can find a wide variety of links, quizzes and newsletters aimed at supporting parents develop their own understanding of E-Safety issues We ParentMail the newsletter when it is published and an archive of past issues can be download on the links above.


The NSPCC website has a wealth of information which we would often refer parents to. 



Has someone acted inappropriately towards you online, or to a child or young person you know? It may be inappropriate chat, being asked to do something that makes you feel uncomfortable or someone being insistent on meeting up. You can report it to the CEOP below to get help.


The NCA’s CEOP is here to help children and young people. They have advice and links to support for online problems young people might face, such as inappropriate online behaviour from other people,  cyberbullying and hacking. Visit their Safety Centre for advice and to report directly to CEOP, by clicking on the Click CEOP button below.



Remember: if you need immediate help call 999 straight away.



Also, for a FREE and CONFIDENTIAL way of sharing your worries, contact CHILDLINE at ANY TIME on the number above.

Are you a 'switched on' parent? Click here to take a quiz to find out...